Israel needs to leave Palestine, at the very least withdraw in all areas to the 1967 UN242 designated borders.

I'll also keep repeating nothing on this planet is more antisemitic than Zionism. Judaism is a religion not a race and Palestinian Arabs are Semites.

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Yes Semites are the indigenous peoples of this area. Palestinians are Semites. All indigenous peoples of this area what ever their religion or skin tone are sematic peoples. But the lexicon of the day is Jews are semites and non Jews are not Semites they are "dogs" or other slang of non humaness. This is the justification for killing them.... they are less than human. Nasty people the dyspora white European Zionists be.

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There is something wrong with the Jewish perspective, The hatred for Arabs, The disregard for process and the law. The dissent for anyone non Jewish,

And the consistent lies.

But we try. without much success.

The best hope it that Israel self destructs.

In memory of the tens of thousands of children murdered.

And the journalists

And the aid workers.


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Trump and his minions can be played.

Re- Showing the video of Trump saying the US will make Gaza the new Riviera, could continue to drive the wedge between American and Netanyahu regime. He has no plan on how to do that. It could also make Israeli’s and American’s

skeptical- from a variety of political leanings.

These Imperialistic governments work to push their own people to the brink, while invading and threatening to invade neighboring countries.

We are the sleeping giants.

Free Barghouti and Sadaat!

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Under Trump and his ties with Netanyahu it appears it will always be one step forward and ten steps backwards.

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I found Mr.Scahill's interview with analyst Abdaljawad Omar very interesting.

There was a hint there that when Trump made the statement that the US would

take over GAZA that maybe Netanyahu wasn't too happy with that idea. Lets face it

there are big EGOS at play. Trump seems he won't be led around by the nose like

Biden was.

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Up to the 1940s Palestinians were living peacefully in their homes, raising their families, tending their olive trees when Jewish armies forced them from their homes into refugee camps and took over their homes. If the people of Israel were to move to all-white countries surrounded by all-white countries, the Palestinians could return to their homes and their peaceful existence.

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Like Biden on step one way 2 steps the other

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