The hubris and the disregard for human life of the Biden administration is beyond. Just beyond. And shame on Harris for saying it is Iran that is the destabilizing force in the region, when they have exhibited restraint for months, while Israel conducts a genocide sponsored by her government. So much for “joy” I guess.

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Exactly. Janine you’ve put this so well! There’s no way to peace minus humility wisdom respect for all the innocents and the planet.

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This is not good news. Given the obtuse nature of the Biden administration, this could easily lead to a massive war in the Middle East. Very sad. It could have been prevented if Biden had had the guts to stand up to Netanyahu!

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Biden doesn't lack "the guts" to stand up to Netanyahu; his government is by far the more powerful. Biden is an ideological Zionist—a true believer. He has been unconditionally defending Israel for longer than many people reading this post have been alive. So have almost all the people around him making the regular decisions during his administration, as well as the overwhelming majority of u.s. parliamentarians. If only the police chief had the guts to stand up to his lieutenant!

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I believe that the U.S. government policy in the Middle East is not primarily a product of the Israel Lobby's purchased influence over both parties in Congress and the White House. The Biden Administration is play acting when it pretends to try to restrain Netanyahu in Gaza and elsewhere, while in fact never failing to provide whatever weapons, intelligence, U.N. votes or diplomatic and propaganda support is needed by Netanyahu and the Israeli government. This unfailing support is provided not due to AIPAC pressure but because it is the long-standing and still followed policy of the American deep state to use Israel as America's enforcer to maintain control over the Middle East and its oil resources. It has long done this not only to profit U.S. oil companies, but to exert political control over Europe, Asia, Latin America and other parts of the world. More recently, a big priority is to deny China competitive access to oil and to isolate Russia. Oil still determines much of U.S. foreign policy and a strong Israel is still seen by the ruling sectors of the Washington Establishment as key to U.S. policy. As Joe Biden said in the past, "If Israel didn't exist, we'd have to invent it." It is seen as our "unsinkable aircraft carrier" in the region. The bad news for both the U.S. and Israel is that the world has changed. The U.S. no longer has unrivaled dominance in the world and Israel, as a proxy of the U.S., can no longer pursue its increasingly messianic goals in the region with the impunity it once had. Once the U.S. sees that this proxy is becoming more a liability than an asset, it will cut it loose like Ukraine or the Shah of Iran or South Vietnam. No amount of money and PR from AIPAC will convince the unsentimental oil men, bankers, political opportunists, media operatives and cynical intelligence agencies to keep a failing proxy alive any longer than necessary. As Henry Kissinger once said, "It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal." (My worry is that the incompetents running the failing American empire and its increasingly desperate Zionist proxy have a good chance of blowing up the world before they come to their senses and act accordingly.)

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... a [white] house full of heartless hypocrites. my EU country follows its lead, too, alas.

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Or Harris or Trump

The Electoral College representatives will decide not your vote dear citizen.

*Such a democracy have


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Unfortunately, your three Ps are faced with another three Ps: Power, Profits, and Prophets. A deadly convergence, if we don't find a way to stop them.

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The weakness of the Biden administration is frightening: they're talking Big War talk, regime change in Iran! Israel has become the sorcerer's apprentice who can no longer be controlled by the sorcerer. They keep assasinating people they should have been talking with. And the weak, useless Biden administration is following along shouting warlike stuff without considering that it is walking the world into WWIII.

In the If Only department, what's needed is a powerful UN force to enforce peace in Palestine, Lebanon and beyond; push Israel back to the 1967 boundaries and then stay permanently to protect the Palestinians in perpetuity. I know, I know . . . won't happen. Looks like Turkey is on the edge of getting involved. What about the Saudis and the other Gulf states?

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I totally get what you're saying about the need for a permanent peacekeeping force in Palestine. Ironic that Jerusalem holy sites are sacred to Judaism, Islam and Christianity, and yet ... So much warfare. And the supremacist element in religions can be so misused in struggles for land and resources. Ceasefire is very much necessary ... but IMO Israel/US need to have more respect for their fellow travellers in Middle East history. Sharing and reconciliation desperately needed.

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Back to the real world ...

Within this article Amos Hochstein is mentioned as part of Biden's inner hawkish advisory circle. Blinken appointed Hochstein as the Senior Advisor for Energy Security, and "he was subsequently appointed Special Coordinator for Global Infrastructure and Energy Security" (Wiki). Hochstein is Israeli/American.

Iran has some of the world's largest oil and gas deposits. "Israel has a right to defend itself" is such a trite and dishonest summation of what this fog of war is really about.

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Jordan assisted Israel in taking down some drones, but the Arab Emirates, Saudis, et al. are quiet. "If only" this Administration understood where the alliance with Israel has dragged us. Those poor US service men are just like ducks in water. Turkey and Azerbaijan still get oil to Israel, so I doubt Erdogan does more than talk!

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The Biden Administration is taking the world stage down the toilet. The US government is an extreme threat to world order and peace. With each passing day I dive deeper into disbelief as to what this government is condoning and enabling. There is no logic or moral high ground for any of this.

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14 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

noam chomsky once called the GOP the 'biggest terrorist organization on earth'. plenty of in-name-only democrats now fall into that category as well. ashame to say that leaders of my EU country don't call for moderation either, supply israel with weapons, too. so many proxy wars fought on earth and we stand helplessly by. if only a general strike of all silent majorities who long for peace could help change things and prevent even further escalation ...

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Quite a few of those former GOPers have switched to the more amenable party, the Democrats. Which means, we need to reject both of the Uniparty candidates. Let's show them there are alternative voices out there who refused to be silenced.

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Starting tomorrow, I will be passing out the following flyer to anyone on the street at busy locations. The odd formatting is because I cut and pasted the text directly from the flyer. If anyone can think of anything important I did not mention, please say what it might be. One printed page is a very tiny space. I will have a two page handout with more detailed information for anyone who asks for it once they take the flyer.

If anyone would like to copy this and use it wherever you are in the US, by all means do so but make sure to changes the references to Illinois and the legislators to reflect your area.

A monster is loose in America

It is called ZIONISM

It has captured President Biden, VP Harris, Donald Trump

and most of Congress by way of our corrupt campaign funding system, so on Nov 7 in Illinois you will have no choice but to vote for Zionism. Jill Stein, a courageous American Jew who opposes Zionism, will not be on the ballot

ZIONISM has no use for liberty and justice for all, because it is an ethnic cleansing project, embodied in Israel, killing over 40,000 Palestinians in the last year, a slaughter continuing at the whim of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. President Biden could have stopped it when it started, but as an avowed Zionist instead pledged American lives to support this outrageous atrocity even to a war Israel wants us to fight with Iran to protect full bore ethnic cleansing and the demolition of Gaza now extending into the occupied West Bank


Call/email Senators Durbin and Duckworth and Representative Schakowsky: END SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL

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"... killing over 40,000 Palestinians in the last year" with many thousands more unaccounted for, dead under rubble.

we all try our best to open people's hearts and minds for the plight of those who suffer under (US) imperialism, even though we realize how hard it can be to make s.o. with an opinion based on misconceived facts change their heart and mind. [good luck with your endeavor!]

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Biden and Bibi are two seniors living in the past. While Bibi sat in the bunker, watching video screens of his beloved Nevatim being pulverized, Israeli citizens were feeling the sandy desert quiver from exploding missiles. Iran has acquired some deterrence now. Oil ports out of service, F-35s smashed, reserve troops pulled from college to drive exploding tanks. Israelis, who have no water, no roads, power outages and hostages still in Gaza, may rethink their Zionist enthusiasm. This is no video game, Bibi -- how will he spin this one.

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My personal hatred for the IRGC and the Iranian regime which has held its own people hostage aside, I have to admit that this is a thorough piece, hope to see brighter days ahead

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Red lines

Who needs them

Missiles fly right over them.

Make peace with your neighbors Israel or fight to the death... Just leave me out of it.

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Of course the "Biden administration" refuses to admit that from the beginning Netanyahu has needed war to continue for his own security reasons, and seems unashamed of being repeatedly and publicly played by the monster. When the monster commits further atrocities and there is some kind of response these charlatans say the latter was "unprovoked". Shameless as well as dangerous nonsense.

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Did appeasement stop Hitler?

Netanyahu is on a roll and with the US paying for it.

The Biden admistrations tongue in cheek approach to peace is a JOKE.

Everybody knows there is only one way to stop Israel now.

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The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to go to Gaza, or now, to the West Bank. Make his stand in Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. Not in our name, not on our watch.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwaThe best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to go to Gaza, or now, to the West Bank. Make his stand in Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. Not in our name, not on our watch.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


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As I have donated numerous times since AOC first ran for office, she regularly sends me requests for additional support. Last night I responded to one of her multiple daily emails and texts, and she immediately responded as follows (first my reply):

Lebanon too? I’m begging you, please stop funding genocide. As soon as Kamala announces that she will stop funding (with my tax dollars) the current Israeli government's genocide of the Palestinian and Lebanese people I will support her. Until then, please mark us as uncommitted.

As your political calculation (if not your true belief) is to continue funding (with my tax dollars) the current Israeli government's genocide of the Palestinian and Lebanese people, in good conscience I can not support your position.

Should Kamala announces that she will stop funding the current Israeli government's genocide of the Palestinian and Lebanese people I will support her. Until then, please mark us as uncommitted, maybe the margin Kamala will loose by :(

Stop fueling Netanyahu’s wars with American funding and weapons.

Then AOC’s response:

AOC: You have been unsubscribed and will not receive any more messages. Reply STAND to resubscribe.

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It's too easy to blame Biden for green-lighting the genocide and suggest he's the worst ever, especially when he's always been a low-life political prostitute and a leaf in Beltway winds. He spent decades helping build a pro-war police-state and crippled college students for life with unforgivable debt, even in bankruptcy. No, that's way too easy. I give the honor of 'worst ever' to the m'fer that installed Joe in office. The same pos that refused to prosecute war criminals and torturers, and made US drones the largest terrorism program on the planet; Barack Obama.

Iran has been preparing for more war with the US and Israel for 50 years, it was forced on them. Israelis paying attention should comprehend Nevatim Air Base is gone with minimum casualties.

Displaying the full insanity of head-in-ass empire, the first question at last night's VP debate was something like, "Should there be a preemptive nuclear strike on Iran?" A much better question would have been, "Will the empire-of-greed apocalypse a world it can no longer exploit at will?"


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The US congress gives Netanyahu a standing ovation.The people

of the US have to wake up to what the zionists are doing to our


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Gratitudes for this handout!!

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