The Gestapo is on the move. It's terrifying, and that is the point. One of the many things that's sickening is that Israel has THIS MUCH power over our government. First they came for....

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When will this ass-backwards narrative that the israelis are controlling the yankee government stop? It only makes sense in a fantasy world where the u.s. would never take part in colonization or genocide unless manipulated. The reality is that white supremacy is the foundation of the government & so naturally it will support the same thing around the world, including when israelis do it.

Nasrallah understood this, Basel al-Araj understood this, the PFLP understands this. Black revolutionary organizations in the u.s. have long understood this. The only reason it's so popular with the "amerikan" public is because that public is pro-colonialism - you just don't like that israel is carrying it out so blatantly & shamelessly.

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The only part that I'll disagree with you on is that "the public is pro-colonialism".

Americans are so heavily propaghandized and thus have such a warped & disjointed view of the world. The majority of Americans don't even know what colonialism is, and have no idea that they exist within a repressive global empire. They have little snippets of information, just enough to be guided to the "correct" views and opinions that don't conflict with our hegemony.

I'm NOT trying to say "Americans are secretly good!", because that's not true. They are humans like any other, and subject to the same in-group/out-group prejudices. White supremacy is foundational to our empire & the global capitalist order, but within the last ~30 years there has been a shift. Capital still works to ensure that there is an economic underclass, and that sacrifice zones don't come anywhere near them, but the racial characterization almost feels incidental at this point, and simply a continued legacy of past actions (rather than a core pillar the way it was in the past).

Individual racists are obviously extremely prevelant, but as a class there has been a drift towards "it's fine if the boardroom is more "diverse" now, so long as the underlying power structure is maintained". This is what finally gave affluent liberals & dem elites the cover (externally & in their own minds) to throw in the towel and fully embrace the GOP's views on immigration, foreign policy, so on and so on. If Obama or Hakim Jeffries is willing to be a good foot soldier for zionism, work tirelessly to undermine unions, and ensure no institutional Left ever manages to coalesce, they are welcomed into the inner circle with open arms.

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Totally agree that Americans don’t even know what colonialism is. It’s something that empires practiced in the past. We have been told from day one that we are the good guys, that Israel is good like us. We have successfully controlled the narrative that portrays Arabs and Muslims as lesser evolved at best and terrorists at worst.

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To clarify what I'm trying to say a bit more: the system is as racist as it ever was, and will continue to kill and incarcerate brown people disproportionately. No change there. But in the past it had more self consciously racist intentions, whereas now it's more "maintenance racism" to sustain existing social structures rather than "the point".

This is worse in my opinion, because it's harder to fight against. If you're a not-white ivy league graduate and you have a nice 6 figure tech job, you won't feel as connected to the struggles of people who look like you. You were able to "make it", and you'll feel instinctively that you have more in common with those who share your protected affluent status than you do with people a few miles away being beaten & jailed, or even further away getting slaughtered en masse.

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There is no freedom of speech.

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This is truly disgusting to see. It’s as if these administrators learn NOTHING from history. And you’re a college! Shouldn’t you have *some* level of critical thinking on this topic???

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Just hours ago I shared in a discussion with Katherine Franke and Prem Thakker about the protests against genocide. Free speech is most certainly threatened and we are faced with being surveilled and persecuted for our concern that women and children are incinerated for living in what amounts to a concentration camp where for generations they have been oppressed with perpetual Nakba. Netanyahu has betrayed true Judaism. Our current regime in the U.S. is servile to an imperialist corporate cult of cruelty.

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This seems pretty obviously illegal in multiple ways. Just an insane environment

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Pathetic administrations; disgusting

genocide defenders; unjust

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We have the right and we are allowed to criticize any other government, but if it is about Israel, then we are antisemitic!!!! Something here does not add up!

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What can we do to help fight this? Can we donate to Mahmoud’s legal fees? Write Columbia University? Call the detention facility in New Jersey?

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Columbia Uniiversity should be ashamed of itself; its behavior is so warped by the intimidation of the Israeli propaganda machine that it denies the very principles on which a university exists- the free enterchange of views and ideas in an educational environment. Gestapo tactics must be challenged, in courts and in the marketplace. Congress should act to limit the use of our government agents to favor the interests of a government commiting genocide.

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I think Columbia University is probably more intimidated by rich donors who support what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

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Very dark days! No shortage of soldiers enthusiastically following orders!

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"Netanyahu no-matter-who" appears to be the ruling class mantra adopted by both our two cartel parties.

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If the Israeli government and those acting on behalf of that government's free handed long-term land grab and genocide are doing it purposefully to generate and activate an anti-zionist multi-national alliance, mazel-tov to them. I can testify: it's working like a charm. But why, Israel? Have you never read the last five of the Ten Commandments?

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The reach of the Israeli/Zionist lobby being what it is, it's time we consider the likelihood that Khalil's targeting and detention was carried out by Mossad posing as DHS agents and Columbia University police.

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Literal Nazi shit right here. Calling an apartheid an apartheid, or a genocide a genocide is now illegal and you will be kidnapped off the streets by thugs.

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I believe attacks on the so-called enemies of the Trump administration will get worse here in the United States when his foreign policies collapse everywhere! This disgusting abuse of the freedom of speech driven by ugly Zionist Jews who always play the victim card will continue if people don’t fight the illegal foreign government Zionist lobby! We are completely beholden to this racist white supremacy, genocidal settler colony called Israel, which will get Trump into a war with Iran he cannot win.

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Jew here, jew there they shouldnt wonder why people turn actual antisemites

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