U.S. wants to go to war with China. Why don’t they try cooperating with China instead? War is stupid and counterproductive. China does not want war with the U.S. Get a grip!

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Great summary !!! Thanks for explaining everything in a nutshell 😊 ...

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A smile crosses my face since the end of last week, every time I remember how hard Trump, Ellison and empire were kicked in their Artificial Intelligence balls by China. :)

I'm sorry, I spent decades as a software engineer in the MIC and so have some clue about the level of money laundering (disappearing) that happens in government contracting. The bigger the contract...

Half a trillion dollars for an AI that will monitor everyone, even medically, for empire? How about no? :(

Try this: Download DeepSeek and modify to needed empire evils. It's open effing source! ;(

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We need to look under the hood more closely to identify the engine in this rocket.

If you look at displaced Afrikaaner Musk you will find what is called in Silicon Valley a serial entrepreneur. Somewhere back in time he did the heavy lifting of the scientific and technical workforce to get a useful product out the door. Then the company was sold and he got his cash out. He then used his fund raising ability and his ability to work with the technical workforce to manage several other cutting edge tech companies into exist. Mainly Musk is the second generation capitalist entrepreneur. He was able to back good worker ideas with the capital that made their realization possible. He didn't do this for any public purpose, to use Marxist terms, for use value. He did it sokely for his own private gain. In the process he began to think of himself as a superman. Superior in every way to the workers below him whom he wouldn't even allow a union to.

Contrast this with the Chinese entrepreneur who is either the future of capitalism as it transitions to something more productive or an artifact of history to be remembered as we do the Greek who thought world was made up of atoms. He did the same thing as Musk but with more subject matter intelligence and respect for the workforce and backed his workers ideas. And now an Ai model that runs on an affordable level of computer hardware is open sourced to technical workers all over the world. Young technical workers can now use Ai to improve the lot of humanity and not create more billionaire superman to give the Nazi salute.

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Those rich US AI guys thought they could stack the deck. Poor little Chinese DeepSeek

is taking them down. Lets hear it for clear thinking Lina Khan.

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Thats karma and i hope that topxi will be the end for the US (ofcourse not for little people, you guys know what and who i mean)

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Great reporting. Not quite record breaking news but close enough for a cigar.

Luv you all at dropsite.

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AI is for dummies who are too illiterate to deal with words and thoughts.

I agree: it's over rated and over spun. The techies are getting worried the parties over. My advice: Sell social media stocks now or keep buying into their gready BS spin machine which they own and control.

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Let's just hope it's over.

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Great article, thank you!

Shows how 'US capitalist' vs 'China socialist/communist' doesn't reflect the reality ...who has more market competition here...and which is potentially benefiting more people...

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Tried to download DeepSeek and the site was under a massive malicious attack. It figures. The US has earned the disdain and resentment of billions of people, repeatedly, and it still thinks nothing can touch it. So, so wrong. The competition for great tech jobs is so strong in China that the young techs there see the attack as a challenge and won't rest until they beat it. More unintended consequences, coming right up! I only worry that the US monopolists will wreck a whole lot, just to get even. They are worse than petty. Cooperation, instead, would be so incredibly amazing.

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I was happy to see Gary Marcus quote you, Ryan, in his Substack discussion on DeepSeek. It does seem to have rubbed a few ca(i)ts the wrong way. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch.

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Genocide Joe knew he was presiding over the end of big tech when $60B couldn’t create a domestic alternative to TSMC and Hamas shut down incel’s 10nm Kiryat Gat last year.

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The point is not China vs the US, it is open source innovation vs proprietary innovation. Twenty years ago, I was part of introducing Linux into the New York Stock Exchange. I began one of the meetings with the phrase, "we were bringing the people's operating system into the heart of capitalism." Capitalism always confiscates and destroys as it monetizes for short term gain over long term progress.

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It is not a sputnik moment. This is a checkmate moment.

Thank you, Waqas, for a brilliantly done Q&A without using any tech language.

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Ya'll are missing the point. There's something else going down with the US economy as Trump opens up the books. DeepSeek is to keep the masses distracted as they try to get a handle on the mess created by bad governance that led to the 2008 crash and then the 2008 crash cover up via shadow economy.

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There’s both a mortgage and car loan bubble about to burst.

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Definitely a car loan bubble to be burst with Tesla and others offering 0% on new car loans and people losing their jobs in the coming months.

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Everything turns on a dime....

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