After thinking about it - $$$ and media misinformation (bought and paid for by the Rich) made a difference.

Think about George Clooney was one of the first that called for Biden to step down @ 2 months before Nov!! So I ask myself - How does GC know one thing about my needs. This is only ONE example 😢

BUT how can a large campaign run without money??

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when money is the root of all of our key evils… makes it real hard to not want to listen to the commies and working people

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I think that's such an essential question, Margaret. And 96% of Americans agree with you about the $$$ making a difference. https://www.moreincommon.com/media/dbljjghe/dfp-data-set.pdf

These are some organizations I like to research when thinking about solutions.

American Promise - https://americanpromise.net/

RepresentUs - https://represent.us/

Save Democracy in America - https://savedemocracyinamerica.org/

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I like this guy.

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This guy is so unpolished it might actually work to assist what Jessica is ultimately providing a lane for, a new, consequentially legitimate Third Party 😳 of course I’m reminded she’s a veteran of the Bernie Wars so makes sense, maybe if she gets bored enough doing excellent journalism she’ll get herself elected to office on her own terms. Would love to see that ✌️❤️

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Osborn knows we have a system of legalized corruption: “normal people can’t buy senators”—let’s elect him in there so he can change system from inside. Regular people need to have “seat at the table” —again, see the Civic Assembly in Bend, OR —that is the goal: “a seat at the table.” Donate to working class people PAC to get the power—to be able to share the power.

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“Congress need to look like us.” Yep. Civic Assemblies: randomly selecting people—like a large jury— to bring life experience, learn, deliberate, make policy on an issue-by-issue basis. Real democracy not oligarchy. “Congress needs to reflect its people.” Over 1,000 Civic/Citizens Assemblies held world wide —US IS FAR BEHIND. DemNext.org is one group doing this. Bend, OR just did one of the first in the US—it is easily scalable to national level. To see what happened in Bend, OR to get an idea: cocap.us

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Elections are evil because they can and will be bought. Power in democracy used to be shared by random selection, like a jury… Civic assemblies are now that model—peeling off big issues, building civic muscle. Systems that empower regular people—by random selection— to make our biggest collective decisions… not being a society of mice that elects cats.

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I’ve been working since I was 15 years old. I would like to see this gentleman representing me rather than the hyper-elite, professional managerial class that sucks the tit of the billionaire class.

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Such a great interview 🙏🏼

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So what happened at 20:38 that he got up and then you got up and then it cut back.

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Looks like it. No biggie

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