As the genocide enters it’s second year, the actual stories of the less visible (but equally, if not more brutal) components of the genocide are uncovered. A year ago, we were informed that we were just sending arms to Israel. Now, as the U.S. complicity comes into sharp focus, the scope is staggering. The competing narratives make a mockery of anything a State Dept. spokesperson says. To paraphrase Upton Sinclair: “It is difficult to get someone to tell the truth when their salary depends on them never doing so.”

With all the talk about misinformation and that censorship is the only way to stop it. It is clear that the most substantial misinformation comes from podiums in the White House, State Department, Congress, and on and on. It is one thing to green-light the atrocities carried out by Israel, it is quite another to help construct and execute them.

Thank God, that Drop Site News has unleashed the power of actual investigative journalism. Unfortunately, instead of being celebrated for their invaluable service; being persecuted for it, is likely in both their present and future.

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I agreed with your comment until the last sentence. Honest and accurate journalism cannot be persecuted. It can be ridiculed, devalued, sidelined or completely ignored. Carry on Drop Site with fearless reporting.

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They sure like to try ...

Weaponization of the Federal Government Hearing: Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger

Check these out. 1st is a short version, the 2nd is rs the entire congressional hearing



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Thanks...BUT: Painful to watch. ...we need to share info. on the horror our so called government representatives are up to while they get a generous salary, great health care and a pension for life. Can't just sit back and watch netflix.......

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Wow. That’s heavy. Wasn’t aware of this hearing. Sounds like algorithmic censorship.

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This is what anyone willing to see has been witnessing for a year. This of course includes the enabling Biden/Harris administration. What’s described here are obviously war crimes funded by the US government. Once again American foreign policy is clearly revealed as the engine for world conflict and atrocities. From Viet Nam to the Middle East and South America, there is so much suffering and injustice to atone for. It’s past time for an alternative to the duopoly that’s been presented as the only choices to American citizens. If only Americans would take it.

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Thank you Jeremy Scahill for publishing this report by Yaniv Cogan. And much gratitude to Cogan for investigating and reporting on this issue. I find myself almost unable to move this week as I watch Israel's horrific attacks on Gaza and also attacks on Lebanon. Knowing that Israel is only able to carry out these war crimes bc the US sends weapons and support and not knowing any way to stop my govt from doing this is a heavy weight to carry. One way I can take action is to give money to Drop Site News so this type of reporting can continue and hopefully more people will be informed. I will do that as soon as I send this comment and also make a donation to UNRWA. We need an Arms Embargo Now but how do we get that?

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United States is full party to ongoing Genocide!

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How is this "plausible" genocide?

People build institutions, people can tear institutions down. Maybe it is time to rebuild International law.

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International law is only as powerful as the nations who respect it. America and Israel obviously have NO respect for international law and the rest of the world, as proven by their scoffing indifference to ICC and ICJ accusations of genocide and their reckless decimation of human life in Palestine and Lebanon. IMO American and Israel governments have proven they don't give a damn about any of us, anywhere. Not even their own people.

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October 6th, 7th, and 8th, - virtual gatherings each day at 2:00 PM ET / 9:00 PM Jerusalem Time to honor those we've lost and envision a future of justice, peace, and safety for all.

In these gatherings, we will create a space to process grief, address the oppressive systems that perpetuate profound suffering, and foster a shared vision of reconciliation, justice, and collective liberation.

The gatherings will be facilitated by Nonviolence International, Parents Circle Families Forum/American Friends of Parents Circle Families Forum, and Combatants for Peace/American Friends of Combatants for Peace.


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Thank you, Joy, for being a strong voice in this deafening tornado of violence and lies.

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Blinken is a Jewish Zionist what do you expect from this

administration..Its useless to even contemplate that the

Bliden regime will give the Palestinians a break.

I was wondering if they would look the other way if Netanyahu

wanted to use poison gas.

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Is this the best the human race can do? Using their advances in technology to become worse than savages??

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Its not the human race in this case its Zionists on the march.

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The escalation of what's being done in Gaza to Lebanon can also be seen as ethnic cleansing. Lebanon's main religious groups are Muslim, Christian, and a very small amount of others--only a tiny amount are Jews.

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The best thing Pope Francis could ever do is to make his stand in Bethlehem. He has an opportunity that is unequalled, to say "no" to genocide. He could even go to the West Bank, Beirut, or even Teheran, and say, “Not in our name, not on our watch.”

Please sign the petition and share widely.


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You Have Got To Be Kidding. No one around the Pope would allow this. Israel has a habit of killing anyone who "helps" those Hamas people..and we see from this article, that EVERY Palestinian is Hamas.

Whoops! The Pope was bombed! SO sorry..... We will carry out an investigation.

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Has anyone read in today's Observer the article by Harold Jacobson?

"Tales of infanticide have stoked hatred of Jews for centuries. They echo still today"

Howard Jacobson, 6 Oct Observer.

Here's a paragraph in which he 'explains' the motives of marchers for Palestine and writers, acting as they do not in reaction to current Israeli actions but to centuries of hatred. Hell's teeth !

"Hence the hurt, the anger and the fear that Jewish people have been experiencing in the year since Hamas’s barbaric massacre of Israelis on 7 October and the no less barbaric denials, not to mention celebrations of it, as night after night our televisions have told the story of the war in Gaza through the death of Palestinian children. Night after night, a recital of the numbers dead. Night after night, the unbearable footage of their parents’ agony. The savagery of war. The savagery of the Israeli onslaught. But for many, writing or marching against Israeli action, the savagery of the Jews as told for hundreds of years in literature and art and church sermons."

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I've missed that "night after night" witnessing the devastation in Gaza. Not on my MSM, and probably not on his. If we did, the numbers in the street would be tenfold what they are now.

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EVERY event in this effort by Israel to eliminate all non-jews from whatever territory they can steal, is massaged into a reality that turns it into a justification. The Goddamn U.S.A. , Germany, France are buying it as if they are brain dead.

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I gotta wonder if Ant-knee can exist as a hermit and paint in the shower. In a few years he'll be less welcome in foreign countries, the exception being Israel if it still exists, than George W Bush and Dick Cheney. Couldn't happen to a nicer war criminal.

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I keep thinking back to the Nuremberg Trials where Nazi Germany leaders stood trial for crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Then I try to visualize Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, the "Podium Zombies" and many others in the docket. There are several ancient beliefs that such visualizations have the power to manifest such results. So, I do my part, every day, to help bring this about. It also helps to carry the weight of what my government does in my name. Shameful! Criminal! Immoral! Thank you to everyone at Drop SIte News for helping to expose these atrocities.

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