Sep 26Liked by Ryan Grim


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Awesome. Look forward to checking out the podcasts. I tried to access stuff when you first formed and couldn’t get anywhere so thanks for the Apple link. Wish me luck!

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Just became a paid sub. Really respect and love your work! Thank you 😀

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I can’t emphasize enough how grateful I am to all of you who’ve worked so hard to get this started; writers, editors, other staff (sorry I don’t know enough about a newsroom to expound specifically), and also a shout-out to those who have donated or are paid subscribers. Being able to recommend a truly high-quality, independent news outlet like Drop Site to people and feeling confident in its reliability is an important thing for me. Your work has filled a real gap in available coverage, especially for the issues I’ve long been interested in. The expanding scope and new features that have consistently been added have me excited for the future, not something I could say about a lot of journalism.

I just wanted to share some of my experience with the team, and I imagine others have felt similarly. All to say, keep on this track and you’ll have a long time supporter. Hell, I’d call what we get already a deal. Cheers, and all my love to those who cover and those who engage with the important, often heart wrenching and painful, events and issues that are otherwise ignored or obfuscated.

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Thank you so much for all the hard work you do! I count on you guys for the truth.

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Thank you! We need you guys on the air!

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The ADHD squirrels in my brain & I appreciate the nudge to upgrade!

Quick FYI - There are 2 versions of the pod on Pocket Casts: one with just the intro (via search) & one that includes the 1st episode (via your link above). May be worth having them remove the former.

Thanks so much for your work, y'all.

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Thanks! All the best!

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Pakistan? Pfffft. I believe I remember a time early on, when first publishing Snowden Archive material, Intercept was banned from US military installations. Try harder, Drop[Site].


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Ryan, you don’t have to “nudge “ me ‘cause I’m already there.

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It costs more than I want it to, but it's irresistible to subscribe to a number of these Substack accounts. Ryan's is certainly one of them, as are Qasim's and some others, not to mention news and reliable opinion sources that are not Substack (The Lever, The Intercept, The Guardian). I stop because I can't afford to subscribe to all of them (there are many excellent Substack accounts, and Mark Mansour's writing is spectacular), even though they're all top notch and worth supporting. Most of my monthly credit card bill every month is donations, and these are unquestionably some of them.

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I am listening to it on Spotify

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